Thursday, June 19, 2014


A ) Deadlift: work up to 5RM for the day for one set, rest as needed between sets (aka 5th rep should be really challenging!)

B ) 3 min AMRAP – 95%:
400m run + max Bar Muscle Ups (OR sub 3 pull ups + 3 dips per muscle up)
+ Rest 3-5 min (work on banded mobility during this time – focus on upper body; traps, lats, scap, pecs)

C ) 3 min AMRAP – 95%:
20 calorie row + max wall ball in time remaining (14/20lb)
+ Rest 3-5 min (work on banded mobility during this time – focus on upper body; traps, lats, scap, pecs)

D ) 3 min AMRAP – 95%:
30 box jumps + max burpees in remaining time

*Post results to comments.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. A) 130#
    B) 1.5 (Pull ups and dips)
    C) 29
    D) 24

  3. Bummed I'm missing this. Out sick but back next week...

  4. A) 300# PR
    B) 3+3 (pullups, dips)
    C) 34
    D) 27
