Thursday, January 15, 2015


1. Back Squats: 4 sets x 11 reps (5.0.1) @ ~ 18RM, Rest 2 Min

  • Tempo = 5.0.1 (5 seconds down, 1 sec up each rep…)

2. Muscle Up Technique Work:  spend 5 to 10 minutes working on transitions; banded transitions, ring pull ups, kips, other drills by coach, etc…

3. 6 sets of the following – 85% effort:

  • 30sec HSPU

  • 30sec Knees to elbows

  • 30sec sit ups

  • + Rest 90sec

*Post results to comments.


  1. 1) 65-70-70-70
    2) worked on transitions and kipping
    3) 7-9 kipping HSPU with 1 abmat, 6-9 knees to elbows, 9-10 situps
