Wednesday, May 14, 2014


A1) Split Jerk (from rack): 3-2-1-3-2-1, Rest 1 min
*this is a wave load, each wave increases, ex: 3 reps at 80, 2 reps at 85, 1 rep at 90 and then 3 reps at 85, 2 reps at 90, 1 rep at 95…. Idea is to end on a tough single
A2) Dip (ring or stationary): 6 sets x 6-8 reps, Rest 2 min

B ) EMOTM for 12 min:
20second ALL OUT EFFORT shuttle run, approx. 20m down and back
*do these outside in the alley!

*Post results to comments.


  1. A1) round 1 start - 65#, round 2 end at 95#
    A2) stationary 6x6 dips
    B) yay for wods outside

  2. A1) 95-115-125-115-135-145#
    A2) 6x8 stationary dips
    B) can't breathe
