Sunday, August 31, 2014

Saturday, August 30, 2014


A ) Front Squat: 3 x 3 reps at 80%, rest as needed between work sets (at least 2 min!)

B ) 15min EMOM:
Min 1: 20sec max effort Double Unders
Min 2: 20sec max effort HSPU
Min 3: 20sec max effort jumping lunges

*Post results to comments.

Friday, August 29, 2014


A ) Power Clean: build to max

B ) Rest 3-5 min, then 30 reps Power Clean for time at 75% of A

C ) Rest 5-10 min, then Row 500m for time

*Post results to comments.

Thursday, August 28, 2014


A ) Each partner must complete 5 rounds of the following (only one person working at a time).  Score will be time when both partners have finished all 5 rounds:
20 Wall Balls (14/20)
10 Burpees
400m run

*Post results to comments. 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


A1) Overhead Squat at 31X0 tempo: 4 sets x 6-8 reps at tempo, Rest 1 min
A2) Single Leg KB Deadlift at 3011 tempo: 4 sets x 6-8 reps/leg, Rest 1 min
A3) Plank: 4 x 30sec, Rest 1 min

B ) 7 min AMRAP:
7 DB Ground to Overhead (should be using 2 DB’s or KB’s, challenging weight)
14 Sit ups

*Post results to comments.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


A1) Bench Press: 3 sets x 8 reps, Rest 1 min
A2) Ring Row: 3 sets x 8 reps @ 2111 tempo, Rest 1 min
A3) Side Plank: 3 sets x 45sec/side, Rest 1 min

B ) 4 rounds for max reps:
60sec row for calories
60sec push ups
60sec strict pull ups
+ Rest 60sec

*Post results to comments.

Monday, August 25, 2014


A ) Deadlift: 3 sets x 6 reps, all sets should be at the same weight across, Rest as needed between sets

B ) 5 rounds for time:
10 burpee box jump (20/24”)
10 thrusters, 65/95lb
400m run

*Post results to comments.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Saturday, August 23, 2014


A ) Front Squat: 6 x 3 reps at 85%, rest as needed between work sets (at least 2 min!)

B ) 12 min AMRAP:
5 TGU/arm
15 Push Press (55/85lb)
30 Air Squats
40 Double Unders

*Post results to comments.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Thursday, August 21, 2014


A ) 5 min AMRAP – 85%:
5 Air Squats
10 DU
+ 4 min Rest

B ) 5 min AMRAP – 85%:
5 HSPU (sub wall walks)
15 Box Jumps (20/24” with step down)
+ Rest 4 min

C ) 5 min AMRAP – 85%:
3 CTB Pull Ups
10 Burpees
+ Rest 4 min

D ) 5 min AMRAP – 85%:
10 Wall Ball (14/20lb)
10 Deadlift (95/135lb)

*Post results to comments. Looking for total rounds + reps for each set

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


A1) Ring or Stationary Dip: 4 x 5-8 reps (strict if possible), Rest 1 min
A2) Split Jerk (from rack): 4 x 5 reps, moderate weight, should be challenging but able to keep excellent technique, Rest 2 min

B ) EMOTM for 8 min:
20 sec MAX EFFORT Row (or Airdyne)

C ) EMOTM for 8 min:
20 sec max effort jumping lunges

*Post results to comments.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


A ) Clean & Jerk (from floor, full squat catch): 4 x 1 rep at 95% of CJ 1RM, Rest 2 min

B ) EMOTM for 12 min: 2 Hang Squat Snatch at 60% of SN 1RM

C1) Pendley Row: 3 x 5 reps, work to a challenging set of 5 reps, no rest
C2) CTB Pull Ups: 3 sets x max reps, no rest
C3) Plank Hold: 3 x 45seconds, Rest 2 min

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Monday, August 18, 2014


A ) Romanian Deadlift (back must remain flat!): 4 sets x 5 reps – 5th rep should feel HEAVY!, Rest As Needed between sets

B ) 2 sets – 100% effort:
250m Row
25 Burpees
+ Rest 3-5 min

C ) 2 sets – 100% effort:
100 DU (or 3x Singles)
25 American KBS (35/55lb)
+ Rest 3-5 min

*Post results to comments.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Saturday, August 16, 2014


A ) Front Squat: 4 x 5 reps at 90%, rest as needed between work sets (at least 2 min!)

B ) Complete the following – 80% effort:
Run 800m
10 Dips (Ring or Stationary, Strict or Kipping)
Run 800m
10 Pull Ups (Strict or Kipping)
Run 800m
10 Deadlift (155/185lb)

*Post results to comments.

Friday, August 15, 2014


A ) For time – 100% effort:
500m Row + 3 Muscle Ups (sub 3 CTB pull ups + 3 Dips per MU)
+ Rest 5-10 minutes (work on mobility, get well rested)

B ) For time – 100% effort:
12 Alternating Front Rack Lunges (65/95lb)
12 Chin Ups
12 Thrusters (65/95lb)

*Post results to comments.

Thursday, August 14, 2014


A ) 3 sets – 85% effort:
3 min C2 Row
+ 3 min Rest

B ) 3 sets – 85% effort:
60sec Box Jump (20/24”, with step down)
60sec American KBS (35/55lb)
60sec Double Unders
+ Rest 3 min

C ) 3 sets – 85% effort:
3 min AMRAP:
10 Wall Ball (14/20lb)
5 Pistols/leg
+ Rest 3 min

*Post results to comments.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


A ) HSPU technique work: spend 5-10 minutes working on technique (ie. Handstand hold, wall walks, walking on hands to wall, negatives, deficit HSPU, strict HSPU, etc…)

B1) HSPU: 3 sets x 5-8 reps (strict if possible), Rest 1-2 min
B2) Push Press: 3 sets x 3-5 reps (use a weight where 3-5 reps is challenging), Rest 1-2 min

C ) EMOTM for 14 min:
Odd: 20sec max Double Unders
Even: 10 sec max reps Double KB/DB Thrusters (move fast!)

*Post results to comments.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


A ) Snatch (from floor, full squat catch): 4 x 1 rep at 90% of SN 1RM, Rest 2 min

B ) EMOTM for 5 min: 3 Power Snatch at 60% of SN 1RM

C ) Push Jerk: 3 x 5 reps, work to a challenging set of 5 reps

D ) CTB Pull Ups: 3 sets x max reps, Rest 2-3 min (should be full chest to bar – do whatever you have to, add band, huge kip, think explosive on these, when you drop off the bar, the set is over).

*Post results to comments.

Monday, August 11, 2014


A ) Barbell Split Squat (31X1): 4 sets x 6-8 reps/leg at tempo, Rest As Needed between sets

B ) 2 sets – 100% effort:
10 Squat Cleans (95/135lb)
15 burpees
400m Run
+ Rest 3-5 min

C ) 2 sets – 100% effort:
10 Pull Ups
20 Walking Lunges
400m Run
+ Rest 3-5 min

*Post results to comments.

*Runs to be done outside if weather permitting, otherwise use treadmill.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Saturday, August 9, 2014


A ) Front Squat: 3 x 3 reps at 85%, rest as needed between work sets (at least 2 min!)

B ) Complete the following – 80-85% effort:

2 min AMRAP:
10 Back Squat (125/155lb)
10 Air Squats
+ Rest 2 min

2 min AMRAP:
10 Push Press (55/95lb)
+ Rest 2 min

2 min AMRAP:
10 Deadlift (125/155lb)
10 Knees to Elbows
+ Rest 2 min

2 min AMRAP:
10 Power Clean (55/95lb)
10 Wall Ball (14/20lb)
+ Rest 2 min

2 min AMRAP:
10 Back Squat (125/155lb)
10 Double Under

*Post results to comments.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


A1) Strict Press: 5 x 5 reps (try and maintain the same weight across all work sets), Rest 1 min
A2) Hand Release Push Up: 5 x max reps (do not allow lower body to rest on the floor, only the chest), Rest 2 min

B ) EMOTM for 14 min:
Odd: 20 sec max effort Russian KBS (use a weight that will be challenging for you – go heavy!)
Even: 20 sec Burpee

*Post results to comments.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


A ) Clean & Jerk: 5 x 2 reps at 85% of CJ 1RM, Rest 2 min

B ) EMOTM for 10 min: 3 Hang Squat Clean at 65% of CJ 1RM

C ) Work on kipping technique 5-10 min

D ) EMOTM for 10 min: 5-10 kipping pullups (must be UNBROKEN)

*Post results to comments.

Monday, August 4, 2014


A ) Deadlift: 3 sets x 10-12 reps, (12th rep should be challenging, but back remains at 45 degrees) Rest As Needed between sets

B ) 3 sets – 100% effort:
2 min AMRAP:
5 Dips
10 Push ups
15 Air Squats
+ Rest 3 min

C ) 3 sets – 100% effort:
2 min AMRAP:
15 Wall Ball
10 Pull Ups
5 American KBS (35/55lb)
+ Rest 3 min

*Post results to comments.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Saturday, August 2, 2014


A ) 5 Rounds For Time:
5 Muscle Ups (sub is 2 Pull Ups + 2 Dips per MU)
10 Burpees
20 OH Walking Lunges (25/45lb)
30 Calorie Row (15 cals/person)

*To be completed in groups of 2.  Each person must complete all reps (except for Row – each person does 15 cals).  Cannot move on to the next exercise until both yourself and your partner are finished with the previous one.

*Post results to comments.

Friday, August 1, 2014


A ) Front Squat: 6 x 5 reps at 85%, rest as needed between work sets (at least 2 min!)

B ) 6 sets of the following – 85% effort:
30sec HSPU
30sec Knees to elbows
30sec sit ups
+ Rest 90sec

*Post results to comments.