Tuesday, June 10, 2014


A ) Two times through the following:

3 min AMRAP:
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squats
+ Rest 2 min

3 min AMRAP:
5 Power Cleans (65/95lb)
10 Deadlifts (same weight)
15 Burpees
+ Rest 2 min

3 min AMRAP:
5 Thrusters (65/95lb)
10 Pull Ups
15 tuck jumps
+ Rest 2 min

3 min AMRAP:
5 KB Goblet Squat (35/50lb)
10 American KBS
15 Lateral Hops Over KB
+ Rest 2 min

*Post results to comments.


  1. A1) 3+2, 2+19 (red band)
    A2) 1+16, 1+12 (Rx)
    A3) 2+2, 2+1 (Rx, red band)
    A4) 2+19, 2+21 (Rx)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. A1) 2 +19, 2 + 18 (black band)
    A2) 1+12 , 1 +8 (RX)
    A3) 1+ 20, 1 + 18 (RX, Blank Band)
    A4) 2 + 20, 2 +18 (30# because there are not two35#)

  4. A1) 4+23, 3+8 (Rx)
    A2) 1+27, 1+18 (Rx)
    A3) 2+5, 1+12 (Rx)
    A4) 2+13, 2+10 (Rx)

  5. Forgot to write down my times. This workout was awesome but super tough!

  6. A1) 3 / 2 + 5
    A2) 1 + 26 / 1 + 15
    A3) 1 + 12 / 1 + 5
    A4) 2 + 5 / 1 + 15
