Friday, February 28, 2014


5 min AMRAP:
10 Deadlift (185/155lb)
15 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65lb)
20 Pull Up
No Rest

+ 5 min C2 ROW for Calories

+ 5 min AMRAP:
*start where you left off the previous set!
10 Deadlift (185/155lb)
15 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65lb)
20 Pull Up
No Rest

+ 5 min Airdyne for Calories

+ 5 min AMRAP:
*start where you left off the previous set!
10 Deadlift (185/155lb)
15 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65lb)
20 Pull Ups
No rest

+ 5 min C2 Row for Calories

+ 5 min AMRAP:
*start where you left off the previous set!
10 Deadlift (185/155lb)
15 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65lb)
20 Pull Ups

*For today, record total number of CALORIES from rowing + airdyne!

Thursday, February 27, 2014


A ) Hang Snatch + Snatch: 4 x 2+1, Rest 1 min

B ) Squat Clean: 4 x 3 reps, keep increasing weight each set, but keep perfect technique, Rest 1 min

C ) EMOTM for 8 min: 15 sec all out effort HSPU

D ) EMOTM for 8 min: 15 sec all out effort wall ball

*Post results to comments.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


A ) 4 times though the following:
8 CTB Pull Ups
6 Ring Dips
8 CTB Pull ups
+ Rest 1-2 min

B ) 5 sets:
90seconds max DU
+ Rest 90s

C ) 5 sets:
90second AMRAP:
5 Burpee
5 Box Jump (20/24” with step down)
+ Rest 90s

*Post results to comments.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


A1) Front Squat: 3 x 5 reps at 80% of FS 1RM
A2) Ring Pull Ups: 3 x 5 reps, Rest 1 min

B ) 6 sets of the following – 100%:
30second C2 Row, Rest 1 min in rower

*Post results to comments.

Monday, February 24, 2014


5 sets:
30sec American KBS
30sec Hand Release PushUps
30sec Pull Ups
+ Rest 1 min

5 sets:
60second C2 Row
30second Burpees over Rower
+ Rest 1 min

*Post results to comments.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Saturday, February 22, 2014


A ) 20 minute AMRAP:
*To be done in groups of 2 – each time you get through, partner changes tasks.  Score would be number of COMPLETED rounds of 1, 2, & 3.

1) 500m Row, Partner does burpees for duration of row
2) 100 Double Unders, Partner does Box Step Ups for duration of DU (20/24”)
3) 30 Power Snatch (95/55lb), Partner does Pull Ups for duration of PS

B ) 5-10 min stretching/mobility work

Friday, February 21, 2014


A ) EMOTM for 10 min:
Odd: 8-10 pull ups
Even: 10 Romanian Deadlift (105/85lb)

B ) EMTOM for 10 min:
Odd: 10 box jumps (24/20” with step down)
Even: 10 DB Thrusters (40/20lb)

C ) For time:
Power Clean (95/65lb)

Push Jerk (95/65lb)

Thursday, February 20, 2014


A ) Complete the following:
2 sets of everything– 80%, don’t stop moving:

5 min AMRAP:
10 Air Squats
15 Push Ups

5 min AMRAP:
Calories on AD

5 min AMRAP (choose a weight that is well below max, no muscle fatigue, just keep moving):
5 DB Bench Press
5 Single Arm DB Row/Arm (supported on bench)

B ) 10 min mobility work – spend at least a few minutes in each tight area

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


A1) Deadlift: 4 sets x 5 reps at 75% (slow tempo! use 1RM from early Feb), no rest
A2)  DB/KB Reverse Lunge: 4 x 12 reps/leg, Rest 1 min

B ) 3 sets of the following:
90s AMRAP – 95%:
30 Wall Ball (20/14)
30 DU
+ Rest 2 min
90s AMRAP – 95%:
30s plank
30 OH walking lunges (45/25lb)

+ Rest 2 min

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


A ) 4 times though the following (use a challenging weight, BUT not one that will send you to failure):
8 Strict Press
6 HSPU (or HSPU negatives)
8 Strict Press
+ Rest 1-2 min

B ) 5 times through the following – goal is consistency across all sets:
30s Pull Ups
+ Rest 30s
30s Alternating Pistols (use assistance if needed)
+ Rest 30s
30s American KBS (35/55)
+ Rest 30s
30s Jump Squat
+ Rest 30s
30s KB Goblet Squat (35/55)

+ Rest 30s

Monday, February 17, 2014


A1) Back Squat: 4 sets x 5 reps at 75% (using 1RM found last week – “slow” tempo; about 3 seconds down), no rest
A2) Single Arm Ring Row: 4 sets x 8 reps/arm (slow tempo; about 3 seconds down), Rest 1 min

B ) 4 sets – 95%:

1 min AMRAP:
C2 Row for Calories
+ Rest 1 min

1 min AMRAP:
5 DB Thrusters
5 DB Hang Power Clean
+ Rest 1 min

1 min AMRAP (85/55lb):
5 Deadlift
5 Hang Power Clean
5 Push Press

+ Rest 1 min

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Saturday, February 15, 2014


20 min AMRAP:

50 OH walking lunges (25/person), 25/45lb plate
50 pull ups (break these up as needed)
50 Air Squats
50 TTB
50 Box Jumps (20/24” with step down)

*Keep track of total rounds + reps completed as a team

*Post results to comments.

Friday, February 14, 2014


A ) Complete the following:
3 minute Row
3 minute Max Double Unders (or single unders – keep moving)
3 minute Row
3 minute Max Burpees to 6” target
3 minute Row
3 minute Airdyne for Calories
3 minute Row
3 minute Run

B ) 10 minutes mobility work (lower body focus)

*Post results to comments.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


A ) OHS: 5 sets x 3 reps, work up in weight but keep technique perfect

B ) Hang Squat Clean: 5 sets x 3 reps, work up in weight but keep technique perfect

C ) EMOTM for 10 min: 15 UB Double Unders (or DU attempts)

D ) EMOTM for 10 min: 20sec Max reps Thrusters, (95/55lb)

*Post results to comments.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


A1) Overhead Press: 5 x 3 reps at 85% of OHP 1RM, Rest 1-2 min
A2) CTB Pull Up: 5 x max reps-1, Rest 1-2 min

B ) 4 times through the following:
60sec C2 Row
+ Rest 60sec
60sec Max DU
+ Rest 60sec
60sec Airdyne

+ Rest 60sec

*Post results to comments.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


A ) Front Squat: 5 x 3 reps at 85% of FS 1RM (3rd rep should be very challenging!), Rest 2 min
B ) Row Sprints! 6 sets AS HARD AS POSSIBLE:
20sec all out effort
+ Rest 1 min (stay in rower)

C ) Glute Ham Raise (or GHR negative): 3 x 5-8 reps, Rest 1 min

*Post results to comments

Monday, February 10, 2014


A ) 5 times through the following:
60 second Hand Release Push Ups
+ Rest 60s
60 seconds Wall Ball (14/20)
+ Rest 60s
60 seconds Plank Hold

+ Rest 60s

*Post results to comments.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Saturday, February 8, 2014


A) Follow the leader – teams of 3-4 people
4 rounds for time as a team– each person must complete the previous station before the next person can go: 

500m Row
50 DU
10 Toes to Bar
5 Wall Walks

B) 5-10 min stretching/mobility work

*Post results to comments.

Friday, February 7, 2014


A) EMOTM for 10 min:
Odd: 5-8 pull ups
Even: 5-8 push ups

B) EMTOM for 10 min:
Odd: 15 air squats
Even: 10 Wall Ball (20/14)

C) 5 rounds of the following:
1 min AMRAP:
5 Russian KBS (65/35)
10 Burpee
5 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65lb)
+ Rest 2 min

*Post results to comments.

Thursday, February 6, 2014


A) Complete the following:

5 min steady state row – record meters
5 min steady state airdyne – record calories
5 min steady state run – record distance
5 min jump rope – (1 min singles, 30sec DU, 30sec Left Leg, 30sec Right Leg) 2x through jump rope complex

B) 10 min mobility work – spend at least a few minutes in each tight area

*Post results to comments.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


A) Deadlift: work to a heavy single for the day – 5-10 minutes tops

B) 5 sets of the following:
1 min AMRAP – 95% effort:
10 box jumps, 20/24” (with step down)
10 Air Squats
+ Rest 2 min
1 min AMRAP – 95% effort:
10 American KBS, 65/35lb
10 Burpees
+ Rest 2 min

*Post results to comments.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


A) 10 minutes to find the following:
1. Strict Press 1RM
 2. Weighted Pull up 1RM OR max strict pull ups

B ) 5 rounds:
30s burpees
+ Rest 30s
30s hang power clean (65lb/95lb)
+ Rest 30s
30s wall ball
+ Rest 30s
30s HSPU (or HSPU negative)
+ Rest 30s
30s jumping lunges
+ Rest 30s

*Post results to comments.

Monday, February 3, 2014


A) 10 minutes: Back Squat - work to up heavy single for the day with perfect depth and technique, rest as needed between sets

B) For time:
Thrusters (95/65)
Pull Ups

*Post results to comments.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Saturday, February 1, 2014


Partner WOD

A Series of 4 min AMRAPs: *One person working at the station while other is doing a lap, switch tasks when partner gets back from lap.

Station 1: WB
Station 2: Pull Ups
Station 3: G2OH (95/65)
Station 4: Reverse Burpees
Station 5: KBS (50/35)
*Rest 1 min between stations

*Posts scores to comments. Keep track of total reps at each station.