Tuesday, June 24, 2014


A ) 10 min AMRAP – 80%:
Row 250m
5 Strict HSPU
Run 400m
5 L-Sit Chin Ups

B ) 5 min mobility work (banded, pick your major area and attack!)

C) 8 min AMRAP – 80%:
3 Turkish Get Ups/arm (use light weight, focus on technique)
20 Russian KBS (35/55lb)
3 Muscle Ups (or sub 3 dip + 3 pull up)
20 American KBS (35/55lb)

*Post results to comments.


  1. First off, deconstructed Fran yesterday left me just as sore as original Fran does.

    A) 2abmats, did 2 pathetic chin ups with red then switched to green band - 2 + 57m row
    C) 35# for KBS, sub 3 dips and 3 red band PUs - 2 + 9AKBS

  2. A) 2 rounds + 250m Row & 2 HSPU (Rx)
    B) 2 rounds (20# KB TGU, 50# KB swings, pullups/dips)

  3. A) 2 rounds + 155m row
    B) 1 round + Russian KB swings & 1 MU) 25# TGU; 55# KB swings
