Friday, May 9, 2014


A1) Bent Over Plate Row (32X1 tempo): 4 x 10-12 reps, no rest
A2) Muscle Up (or muscle up negative): 4 x 3-5 reps, Rest 2 min

B ) 7 sets:
60second C2 Row – 80% effort
60second C2 Row – 50% coast

*Post results to comments.


  1. I hit the wall this AM, couldn't do B. Only showed up because I've never had any muscle up coaching before so wanted to learn, but this was day 6 and I really should have just declared rest day. I need to get better about rest days! I just never want to take them because I'm enjoying the programming so much....

  2. Allison, I hear you about rest days. Tuesday was my 8th day in a row of working out (7 days crossfit, 1 day running) and I started to feel a tweak in my back Tuesday. We can motivate each other to rest ;-)

    A1) 25#, 4x12
    A2) negatives 4x5
    B) 1470m
