Wednesday, May 7, 2014


A ) 4 sets: 2 Clean Pull + 2 Squat Clean, work up to a challenging weight, Rest 1-2 min

B ) EMOTM for 10 min:
Odd: 3 Split Jerk (77-80% of CJ 1RM)
Even: 6 Push Ups

C ) 7 sets:
400m Run
+ Rest 1 min

*Post results to comments.

1 comment:

  1. A) Worked up to 90lbs.

    B) Jerks: 75lbs, with my opposite foot forward to accommodate my jacked up big toe. Pushups: used the slingshot for 4 of the 5 sets.

    C) Rowed instead. Each 400m was ~1:40-ish.
