Tuesday, December 16, 2014


1a. Barbell Strict Press: 4 sets x 10 reps ( of 1RM), Rest 1 min
1b. Chin Up (can be strict, kipping, or butterfly): 4 x 10 reps, Rest 2 min

2. Handstand technique work: spend 5-10 minutes getting up to the wall, walking to the wall, wall walks, free standing handstands, free standing walking, etc…

3. 3 sets – 100% effort:
•    10 UNBROKEN Thrusters (65/95lb)
•    200m C2Row Sprint
•    + Rest 7-10 min

* Post results to comments.

Stop Sucking at Pull-ups


  1. fyi. morning sessions. in case anyone is questioning the morning score, we moved the rowers to the lifting area for a faster transition between thrusters and row. this only works if class size are smaller than 2.

  2. A1) 65, 85, 95, 95
    A2) broke down chin -ups
    C) 95lbs 1:36, 1:26, 1:28

  3. 1a) 50-60-75-85#
    1b) Strict
    3) 1:18, 1:14, 1:11 (Rx)

  4. 1A) 35, 40, 45, 50
    1B) green band
    3) 1:26, 1:24, 1:20 (55#)
