Tuesday, December 30, 2014


1a. Barbell Strict Press: 4 sets x 5 reps, ( of 1RM), Rest 1 min
1b. Chin Up: 4 x 5 reps, Rest 2 min
2. Support Hold (on Dip Station or Rings): 4 sets x 30 sec hold, Rest 1 min
3. 4 sets – 80% effort - 4 min AMRAP:
·       10 Wall Ball (14/20lb)
·       20 Russian KBS (35/55lb or heavier if possible)
·       30 second plank
·       + Rest 3 min
*start where you left off the previous set
*Post results to comments.


  1. 1a) 45-50-55-65* (4 reps on 65)
    2) 60s-45s-30s-30s
    3) 9 rounds + 10

  2. 1a) 75-85-95-105#
    2) 60-60-35-30 secs
    3) 10 rounds + 26 (50# KB)

  3. 1a) 35-55-60-60
    1b) green band
    2) i'm so weak and deconditioned, i can barely hold myself up for 15 seconds
    3) 10 (10#, 25#)

  4. 1a) 100-120-140-160#
    1b) strict
    2) 35-35-30-30s
    3) 10rds+10
