Wednesday, September 17, 2014


A ) Hang Power Snatch: 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 65% x 3, 70% x 2, 70% x 2, Rest 1-2 min

B ) Behind the Neck Jerk: 3 sets x 3 reps (focus on timing of catch and head through), Rest 1-2 min

C ) 10 sets:
5 Split Jerk
2 Muscle Ups (sub 2 ring rows + 2 dips)
*work here should be less than 1 min
+ Rest 2 min

D ) Glute Ham Raise (either with partner or on GHD machine): 3 x 10 reps, Rest 1-2 min

*Post results to comments.

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