Friday, November 14, 2014


A) EMOTM for 8 min: 20sec HARD row, Coast the rest of the 40s…

B) Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes total complete:
20 UNBROKEN Wallballs
5 Strict Toes to Bar

C1) Planche Push Up Hold: 3 x 40 sec, no rest
C2) Strict Knee to Elbows: 3 x 40sec max reps strict, no rest
C3) Powell Raise (30X1): 3 x 10 reps/arm at tempo…increase weight from last week, Rest 2 min

*Post results to comments.


  1. A) ~82m
    B) ~1:05min (Toes to bar became leg raises laying down, having biceps tendon issues)
    C) Leg raises while laying down, 5# dumbell

  2. A) 106m (first 20 sec, best?)
    B) 54 sec (best)
