A ) EMOTM for 5 min: 6 Deadlift, same weight as last time (look 2 weeks back!)
B ) Romanian
Deadlift: 3 x 5 reps, work to a challenging set of 5 reps, keep technique
perfect, Rest 1-2 min
C ) 3 sets of the following – 95%:
3 min AMRAP:
60seconds Double Under
60seconds Airdyne
60seconds Handstand Hold (against wall or free standing)
+ Rest 3 min
*Post results to
ReplyDeleteFelt good, DL and RDL's were pretty easy, lower back felt stronger today
Fun morning working with Lindsay R in the same space where we met 3 years ago :)
215DL / 145 RDL
ReplyDeleteA) 205#
ReplyDeleteB) 145#
A) 105#
ReplyDeleteB) 95#