Friday, April 18, 2014


A ) 10 min AMRAP – 80%:
500m Row
3 Muscle Ups (or sub 3 pull up + 3 dips)
+ Rest 3 min

B ) Complete the following – 100%:
60seconds Push Ups
+ Rest 2 min
60seconds Pull Ups
+ Rest 2 min
60seconds Alternating Pistols
+ Rest 2 min
60seconds TTB

*Post results to comments.  Today ends our testing of the current training cycle!  New cycle begins tomorrow.  Great work so far by each and everyone one of you! 

1 comment:

  1. A) 2 + 395m, sub 3 ring rows + 3 dips with red band
    B) 21 push ups, 20 pull ups (green), 15 pistols next to bar, 13 TTB
