Tuesday, April 8, 2014


A ) Front Squat: work up to 1RM for the day, rest as needed, only 2 misses allowed

B ) 90seconds: max reps of box jumps
+ Rest 2 min

C ) 90seconds: max reps of wall ball
+ Rest 2 min

D ) 90seconds: max reps of push ups
+ Rest 2 min

E ) 90seconds: plank hold
+ Rest 2 min

F ) 90seconds: max reps of air squat

*Post results to comments.


  1. A) 1RM Front Squat: 210# PR

    B) Box Jumps: 38
    C) Wall Balls: 38
    D) Pushups: 57
    E) Plank Hold
    F) Air Squats: 85
    Order: D-E-F-B-C

  2. A) 135#
    B) 28
    C) 34
    D) 23
    E) Plank
    F) 64

  3. A) 265
    B) 32
    C) 43
    D) 50
    E) Plank
    F) 58

  4. (A) 185# -- lost 25# off my previous 1RM while injured. Looking forward to getting it back at CheetahCF!
    (B) 31
    (C) 41
    (D) 15 (shoulders :/)
    (E) Plank
    (F) 61

  5. A) 210# PR
    B-F) Forgot to keep track. Al and I decided to do 400m instead of rest... ugh!
