Monday, October 6, 2014


A1) Barbell Strict Press: 2 x 10RM (you should be failing the 10th rep here, go heavy!), Rest 1 min
A2) Pull up (can be kipping, butterfly, or strict): 2 x 10 reps Unbroken if possible, Rest 1 min
A2) Overhead Squat: 2 x 10 reps (technically perfect reps here!), Rest 2 min

B ) For time:
Run 1,600m
Complete 20 Power Snatch (95/65lb)

*Post results to comments.


  1. A1 & A3) Set 1: 75#, Set 2: 85#
    B) Subbed 95# push press for the snatch: 7:45ish

  2. A1) 95#
    A2) Kipping unbroken
    A3) 95 --> 105#

    B) 10:46 (Rx)
